
How Often Shoud You Take Pre-Workout Chews Effects Feelings Works

How Often Should You Take Pre-Workout Chews?

Elan Lipin
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Pre-workout chews have gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts for their convenience, effectiveness, and great taste.  These chews are designed to enhance athletic performance, increase energy levels, and improve focus during workouts. 

However, understanding how often to take pre-workout chews is crucial for maximizing their benefits while avoiding potential side effects.  So, we’ll be covering the main factors that determine the optimal frequency of taking pre-workout chews, including your fitness goals, workout intensity, and individual tolerance levels.


Quick Recap on Pre-Workout Chews

Pre-workout chews are supplements in the form of chewable gummies or candies that contain ingredients commonly found in traditional pre-workout powders, such as caffeine, beta-alanine, citrulline malate, and B vitamins.  These ingredients work together to enhance performance by increasing energy, improving blood flow, delaying fatigue, and sharpening mental focus.

Determining the Optimal Frequency of Pre-Workout Chews

The optimal frequency of taking pre-workout chews depends on several factors, including your fitness goals, the intensity and duration of your workouts, and your individual tolerance to the ingredients. 

Before we get into these, remember, it’s always best to consult with your doctor/physician or a certified fitness expert before starting any new supplement, especially if you have any underlying health conditions, concerns, or are on any prescription medications.

Factor #1: Fitness Goals

Your fitness goals have a significant part in determining how often you should take pre-workout chews.  Different goals require varying levels of energy and focus, influencing the need for supplementation:

  • Building Muscle Mass: If your primary goal is to build muscle, you might benefit from taking pre-workout chews before every strength training session.  The energy boost and improved focus can help you lift heavier weights and perform more reps, leading to greater muscle gains.
  • Improving Endurance: For endurance athletes, such as runners or cyclists, taking pre-workout chews before long training sessions or races can enhance stamina and delay fatigue.  However, endurance athletes may not need to take them for shorter, less intense workouts.
  • Weight Loss and Fat Burning: Those focused on weight loss may use pre-workout chews to increase their workout intensity and burn more calories.  Taking them before high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or cardio sessions can be particularly effective.

Factor #2: Workout Intensity and Duration

The intensity and duration of your workouts also influence how often you should take pre-workout chews. More intense and longer workouts typically require more energy and focus, making pre-workout chews beneficial.  To get a bit more specific:

  • High-Intensity Workouts: If you engage in high-intensity workouts, such as HIIT, CrossFit, or heavy weightlifting, you may benefit from taking pre-workout chews before each session.  The ingredients can help you push through challenging exercises and maintain peak performance.
  • Moderate-Intensity Workouts: For moderate-intensity workouts, such as steady-state cardio or light resistance training, you may not need pre-workout chews every time.  Taking them before your most demanding sessions can help you stay energized without overloading your system.
  • Low-Intensity Workouts: Low-intensity workouts, like yoga or casual walks, typically don’t require pre-workout supplementation.  Your body can usually manage these activities without the need for additional energy boosts.

Factor #3: Individual Tolerance and Sensitivity

Individual tolerance to the ingredients in pre-workout chews varies widely.  Factors such as age, weight, metabolism, and sensitivity to stimulants like caffeine can impact the appropriate frequency. To break it down a bit further here:

  • High Tolerance: If you have a high tolerance to caffeine and other stimulants, you may be able to take pre-workout chews more frequently without experiencing adverse effects.  However, it’s essential to monitor your body’s response and avoid excessive consumption.
  • Low Tolerance: Those with a low tolerance to caffeine or sensitivity to certain ingredients should use pre-workout chews less frequently.  Starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it can help you find the right balance.
  • Caffeine Sensitivity: Individuals sensitive to caffeine should be particularly cautious.  Taking pre-workout chews too often can lead to jitteriness, increased heart rate, and difficulty sleeping.  Consider using caffeine-free or low-caffeine options if sensitivity is an issue.

Factor #4: Diet and Nutrient Intake

Your overall diet and nutrient intake play a role in determining how often you should take pre-workout chews:

  • Balanced Diet: If you have a well-balanced diet that provides sufficient energy and nutrients, you may not need to rely on pre-workout chews as often.
  • Nutrient Deficiencies: Individuals with specific nutrient deficiencies (e.g., low levels of beta-alanine or citrulline) might benefit from more regular consumption of pre-workout chews.

Factor #5: Tolerance and Cycling

Over time, your body can develop a tolerance to the active ingredients in pre-workout chews, particularly caffeine.  To avoid diminishing returns, consider the following strategies:

  • Cycling: Use pre-workout chews for a few weeks, then take a break for a week or two to reset your tolerance.
  • Alternating Supplements: Rotate between different pre-workout supplements to prevent tolerance buildup to any single ingredient.

Recommended Frequency for Taking Pre-Workout Chews

As you can see, pre-workout chews can be a valuable addition to your fitness regimen, offering convenience and effectiveness in enhancing workout performance.  Still, for beginners, intermediate users, and advanced users, there are some quick things to know.


If you're new to pre-workout chews or supplements in general, start with a conservative approach.  Taking pre-workout chews 2-3 times a week before your most intense workouts can help you gauge your body's response and avoid potential side effects.  Gradually increase the frequency as you become more accustomed to the ingredients and their effects.

Intermediate Users

For those with moderate experience using pre-workout supplements, consuming pre-workout chews 3-4 times a week is often appropriate.  This frequency ensures you get the benefits for most of your workouts without overloading your system with stimulants.

Advanced Users

Experienced athletes and fitness enthusiasts who engage in high-intensity training sessions frequently might benefit from taking pre-workout chews before every workout. However, it's still essential to monitor your body's response and take breaks to avoid tolerance and dependence.

What Happens if You Only Take Them Sporadically?

You might be wondering whether or not pre-workout chews are as effective if you take them sporadically – say, once a week or less.  Again, it’s hard to answer that question because formulas can differ from one another in so many ways, but overall, most gummies will be perfectly effective if taken sporadically as they have effects that do not need to accumulate in the body over time in order to work.

There Really are Numerous Factors that Can Impact How Often You Should Take Pre-Workout Gummies

With the right approach, pre-workout chews can become a powerful tool in your fitness arsenal, propelling you toward greater success in your workouts and beyond.  However, understanding how often to take them is crucial for maximizing their benefits while minimizing potential side effects. 

Consider your fitness goals, workout intensity, and individual tolerance when determining the optimal frequency of use.  By following the guidelines provided and paying attention to your body’s response, The optimal frequency of taking pre-workout chews depends on several factors