
Shilajit History Origins Where It Came From First Records Science Dates

Shilajit History and Origins: What You Need To Know

Elan Lipin
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For those who don’t know, Shilajit is a sticky black substance that’s sourced from layers of rock in the Himalayan Mountains and other high-altitude mountain regions around the world.  It goes by many other names based on regional differences, including “moomiyo,” “silaris”, “mumie”, and “rasayana”.  

Historically, it’s most closely associated with ayurvedic medicine, which is the oldest medicine in the world.  Even to this day, shilajit is used in these parts of the world to treat a variety of ailments.  And, speaking of its incredible history, we are gonna take you on a quick trip on how shilajit came about, what allowed it to expand throughout many cultures, and why so many people use it today for a variety of reasons.


Shilajit: The Beginning History

Perhaps you might’ve heard of shilajit previous to visiting our site.  Still, a good majority of western cultures would be clueless to this substance.  In contrast, the history of shilajit in a medicinal context goes back 5000 years, at least, and originates from the high altitudes of mountain ranges in India, Central Asia, China, Iran, and a handful of other countries in the middle east

Historical records show these parts of the world using shilajit for therapeutic purposes, although even today, it’s believed that the highest-quality shilajit comes from the Himalayan mountains, and because of that, you will find that most shilajit on the market is sourced from this part of the world.

Now, there are an array of accounts as to how humans first discovered shilajit.  It predates writing traditions.  Based on stories handed down from generation to generation, it was the hunters and food-gatherers who initially unearthed it.  The story recounts that humans observed wounded and ill animals licking on a black substance trapped between rock crevices.

They discovered these animals healed better and sooner when they do.  That was when they began to associate their ramped up recovery time with shilajit.  Those who witnessed these events took their cue from animals’ instincts.  They used the same black material to help themselves heal from wounds and high-altitude sickness.

Without real delay, they began gathering the rocks that contained it.  Once they were home, these were processed to extract shilajit resin.  Some tribesmen took it raw while others subjected it to crude ways of purification that rid it of dirt, stones, and other impurities mixed with shilajit extract.

Shilajit First Records

The first recorded uses of shilajit appear in ancient Hindu and Vedic texts, including the Sushrut Samhita and Charaka Shamhita, both of which at long last became foundational texts for ayurveda.  These texts contain recipes for shilajit, again, mainly for medicinal purposes, with full explanations of the benefits that it can offer.  Archaeologists have even brought to light certain texts stating shilajit was a gift from Shiva (Hindu God), for healing purposes.

According to the Buddhist Scripture, it’s the promise of Medicine Buddha, a mysterious substance to help people during the Dharma-Ending age.  Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine) has regarded Shilajit as the foundation of longevity.  The Tibetan medicine even sees it as panacea for all weakness.

The Himalayans is a hideout for lots of spiritual practitioners.  Himalaya is called, “sacred mountain” due to its purity and spirituality.  Shilajit is the treasure in Himalaya’s arms and regarded as a miracle of the mountains.

It declares in the Charaka Samhita: “There is no curable disease in the universe which is not effectively cured by Shilajit when administered at the appropriate time, in combination with suitable drugs and by adopting the prescribed method. When administered to a healthy person, with similar conditions it produces immense energy.”

Shilajit Expansion Into Europe

At the same time, a substance that’s virtually identical was being used by natives to the Altai and Caucasus mountains, with a chemical composition that’s only slightly different from shilajit.  Known as mumijo, moomiyo, mumiyo, or mumie, this substance is used interchangeably with shilajit.  Ancient texts from Turkey, Russia, Persia, Egypt, and other countries laud shilajit for its healing properties, just like the texts that precede ayurveda.

It didn’t take long for shilajit to make its way toward the West, as European countries began trading with the East.  Shilajit became a substance reserved for the wealthy, with only the elite being able to afford it.  Aristotle regarded shilajit highly for its health benefits, as seen in texts dating back 2500 years.  Maybe more surprisingly, Shakespeare referenced shilajit in numerous works including Othello and Macbeth.

In 1870, British explorer Sir Martin Edward Stanley encountered the substance while observing monkeys eating shilajit, and even noticed that their bodies were in phenomenally good health for their old age.  This led to a massive wave in its popularity across Europe, and also motivated scientists to study it using more modern technology.  This means that we actually have a surprising amount of recorded data on its benefits dating back well over a century.

Shilajit In Today’s Times

Recently, Shilajit resin has gained immense popularity as a natural supplement thanks to its potential health benefits.  While scientific research on Shilajit is still limited, preliminary studies suggest that it may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting properties.  In fact, you can but Shilajit Live Resin products at Bounce Nutrition.