
Taking Creatine Before or After Workout Which is Best For Strength Training Gains

Should You Take Creatine Before or After Your Workout? Best Practices

Elan Lipin
Best Creatine Gummies, Buy Creatine Gummies, Creatine Supplements, Pre-Workout vs. Post-Workout, Where To Get Creatine Gummies Online

Creatine gummies have gotten the whole fitness community buzzing right now, since they offer a super delicious way to get in that dose of creatine, an amino acid that’s produced in small amounts in the body.  From there, it gets stored into the muscles in order to enhance muscle growth, muscle strength, endurance, and more.  Creatine can boost your workouts naturally, and the results are truly impressive.  It’s also safe, and something that we consume when we eat most types of animal proteins.

Creatine gummies can, as you now know, be a real gamechanger when it comes to reaching your fitness goals.  But, the success that you have with them is going to ultimately depend on how you use them, like how much you take (by the gram), whether or not the product is high in quality, and so on. 

One question that comes up a lot is whether it’s better to take creatine gummies before or after working out, to reap their full benefits.  We’re going to dive into that topic today to clear up any misunderstandings, and ensure that you get the most benefits possible.


How Does Creatine Work?

Creatine, like we said earlier, is an amino acid that already exists in the human system.  The liver, pancreas, and kidneys take other amino acids and blend them together to create creatine, which is then sent into the muscle cells of the body.  In fact, 95% of the creatine in our bodies is found in the muscles, while the remaining 5% ends up in the brain, bloodstream, and other areas of the body.

Like many supplements, creatine works cumulatively – that is, taking it consistently allows it to build up in the body, to be more effective over time – and that’s why it’s recommended to take it daily.  It can take up to 2 weeks to really start noticing a difference, which is why a lot of serious bodybuilders engage in “loading,” which is taking high doses for 5-7 days straight, so that an adequate amount of creatine is present in the muscles, before going down to a more “normal” dose. 

When we exert the muscles, the muscular cells burn through their creatine supply.  This is why bodybuilders and high-intensity fitness enthusiasts typically take higher doses than people who engage in less intense forms of exercise.  This is also why you need to take creatine consistently to get the full extent of its benefits.

Is it Better to Take Creatine Before or After Working Out?

You’re probably wondering when you should take creatine in your daily routine, and if the timing even matters, given what you now know about how the amino acid is stored in the system and utilized during muscle exertion.  First of all, we want to say that what’s important is supplying your body with consistent doses of creatine to get as much out of it as possible.  Any expert will recommend taking it daily, to ensure that you’re getting noticeable results.

While the area of timing your creatine doses hasn’t been fully explored by researchers, it’s becoming more and more of a common belief that taking it right before or right after exercise gives you the most benefits possible. 

In general, experts have found that taking creatine right before working out, as well as right after working out, made a more noticeable difference in terms of muscle growth, stamina, and physical strength, particularly when it comes to resistance-training.  This would tell us that taking creatine daily can be really useful, but timing it right before or after your workout session really takes its success to a new level.

Is Taking Creating Both Before and After Working Out Okay?

Now, let’s talk about taking creatine both immediately before and after working out.  As it turns out, a lot of people who use creatine do take it both before and after, to derive different benefits.  Taking it before seems to offer more performance enhancement, for stronger muscles that can burn through more reps.  Taking it right after working out can, meanwhile, help the process of converting muscle tissue into stronger, larger muscles, while the body engages in its innate recovery and repair processes.

Creatine is considered safe, and that tells you that you don’t really have to worry about taking it twice in one day if you think that it would be beneficial.  Most people take 2-5g per day, but the exact dosage really comes down to your body weight, fitness goals, muscle mass composition, and how well you tolerate it – some people do get an upset stomach from creatine, so that’s something to be mindful of.  You can try splitting a 5g dosage in half, taking 2.5g before exercise, and 2.5g after.

A Word on Loading

A lot of people “load” up on creatine when they first take it, taking up to 20g daily for about 5-7 days before going down to a standard dose.  This is done to build up the supply of creatine in the muscles, instead of letting the amino acid accumulate more gradually. 

If you are interested in loading and are wondering whether you should take creatine in such a high dose before or after exercising, the same “rules” apply as above.  Splitting that dose in half, right before and right after working out, would probably give you the most benefits.

Taking Creatine Both Before and After Working Out Can Be Beneficial

The bottom line is that creatine can be hugely beneficial to your workout routine, both when taken before and after exercise.  And, you can see that there’s a good reason why many people split their daily dose in half, taking some immediately before and immediately after their fitness regimen.  

Of course, it’s equally important that you get your dosage right, and that you are only using high-quality creatine supplements from a trusted name.  So, you can rest easy knowing you’re getting the good stuff, for maximum results and complete satisfaction.


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