
Best Pre-Workout Chews Bodybuilding Weighttraining Muscle Building Cutting Shredding

Best Pre-Workout Chews For Bodybuilding

Elan Lipin
Best Pre-Workout Chews For Bodybuilders, Pre-Workout Chews For Bodybuilding, Pre-Workout Supplements, Where To Buy Pre-Workout Chews Online

Bodybuilding is becoming increasingly popular as people are really trying to get that shredded, bulked up look.  Bodybuilders are individuals who engage in a specific type of exercise regimen and nutrition plan to build muscle mass and sculpt their bodies. 

They typically participate in strength training exercises using weights and resistance machines to target specific muscle groups.  The goal of bodybuilding is not just to increase muscle size but also to achieve a well-defined, symmetrical physique with a low body fat percentage.

Bodybuilders often follow structured workout routines that involve lifting progressively heavier weights to continuously challenge their muscles and stimulate growth. Additionally, they pay close attention to their diet, focusing on consuming high-protein foods to support muscle repair and growth, as well as monitoring their overall calorie intake to either gain muscle mass or reduce body fat.

While anyone can achieve results without the use of supplements, we have to say that pre-workout supplements are extremely valuable in this endeavor – particularly pre-workout chews.  If you’re looking for a chew to add to your routine, we’re going to talk about the best pre-workout chews for bodybuilding, to help you find exactly what’s gonna offer up the most gains.


A Brief Insight into Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding can require a significant time commitment and lifestyle changes, including regular workouts, meal planning, and often foregoing other activities to focus on training and recovery.

There are two types of primary trainings that bodybuilders do in order to achieve this.

Type 1: Resistance Training: This involves lifting weights or performing exercises that require the muscles to exert a force against a resistance. The main goal is to induce muscle hypertrophy.

Type 2: Cardiovascular Exercise: While the primary focus is on muscle development, most bodybuilders also include some form of cardiovascular exercise to help reduce body fat.

Still, after all that training, adequate rest is essential for muscle recovery and growth.

Also, competitive bodybuilding involves showcasing one's physique onstage in front of judges who assess muscle size, definition, symmetry, and overall presentation.  There are various categories within bodybuilding competitions, including bodybuilding, classic physique, and physique, each with its own set of criteria and posing routines.

Bodybuilding has a vibrant subculture and is a lifestyle for many, not just a form of exercise.  There is often a strong community aspect, with gyms and online forums serving as gathering places for sharing tips, encouragement, and advice.

How Does Someone Get Into Body Building?

Getting into bodybuilding involves a combination of disciplined training, proper nutrition, and often some lifestyle changes.  That’s why we have some simple tips that you can keep in mind when pursuing this.

Tip #1: Set Realistic Goals

Before diving into the world of bodybuilding, it’s crucial to set clear, realistic goals. Are you aiming to compete, or are you looking to build muscle and improve your physique for personal satisfaction? Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals will provide direction and motivation.  To be more specific, here are some key steps to help you establish and achieve these goals:

  1. Assess Your Starting Point: Understand your current physical condition by considering factors like muscle mass, body fat percentage, strength levels, and overall fitness.  This helps in setting achievable goals.
  2. Define Clear, Achievable Goals: Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Instead of a vague goal like "get big muscles," aim for something more concrete, such as "increase bicep size by 2 inches in six months."
  3. Create a Balanced Workout Plan: Depending on your goals, your workout plan should include a mix of resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and flexibility workouts.  It's crucial to target all muscle groups and not just focus on certain areas.
  4. Understand Nutrition's Role: Nutrition is key in bodybuilding. A balanced diet that is high in protein and includes sufficient carbohydrates and fats is important.  You may also need to adjust your calorie intake based on whether you want to gain muscle mass or lose fat.
  5. Set Realistic Time Frames: Muscle growth and body changes take time. Set realistic time frames for your goals to avoid disappointment.  For example, gaining 10-15 pounds of muscle in a year is a realistic goal for a beginner.
  6. Track Your Progress: Keep a workout log and take regular body measurements or photos to monitor your progress.  This helps in staying motivated and can also indicate when you need to adjust your plan.
  7. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to your workouts and diet. Overtraining or under-eating can lead to injuries and health issues.
  8. Be Patient and Consistent: Bodybuilding is a long-term commitment.  Results won't come overnight, so it’s important to stay consistent with your training and nutrition.
  9. Seek Professional Advice: Consider consulting a fitness trainer or a nutritionist, especially if you're new to bodybuilding.  They can provide personalized advice and help you avoid common mistakes.
  10. Adjust Goals as Needed: As you progress, your body's response to workouts and diet might change.  Be prepared to adjust your goals and methods accordingly.

Tip #2: Develop a Training Plan

A well-structured workout plan is the cornerstone of bodybuilding. Beginners should start with a full-body workout routine to build a strong foundation. As you progress, you can switch to split routines, targeting specific muscle groups on different days. A typical weekly split might look like this:

  • Day 1: Chest and Triceps
  • Day 2: Back and Biceps
  • Day 3: Rest or Active Recovery
  • Day 4: Shoulders and Abs
  • Day 5: Legs
  • Day 6: Rest or Cardio
  • Day 7: Rest

Focus on compound exercises like bench press, squats, deadlifts, and pull-ups, as they work multiple muscle groups and promote overall muscle growth. Incorporate isolation exercises to target specific muscles. 

Strength Training

Strength training is the cornerstone of bodybuilding.  It involves lifting weights to challenge your muscles, causing micro-tears that repair and grow stronger during recovery. Here are key components:

  1. Compound Exercises: Focus on multi-joint movements like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups.  These exercises target multiple muscle groups and stimulate overall muscle growth.
  2. Isolation Exercises: Include single-joint movements like bicep curls, tricep extensions, and leg curls.  These exercises help in defining and isolating specific muscles.
  3. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your workouts to continually challenge your muscles.

Cardiovascular Training

While not the primary focus, cardiovascular training is important for overall health and to help manage body fat levels.  Include moderate-intensity cardio sessions, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, to maintain cardiovascular health and support fat loss.

Tip #3: Learn Proper Technique

Proper form is crucial to prevent injuries and maximize the effectiveness of your workouts.  This not only maximizes muscle growth but also minimizes the risk of injury.  Consider hiring a personal trainer or seeking guidance from experienced bodybuilders to learn the correct techniques.

Tip #4: Nutrition and Diet

A diet rich in protein is essential for muscle growth and repair.  You will also need a balanced intake of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.  Some bodybuilders use supplements like protein powders, but it’s crucial to zone in on getting nutrients from whole foods.

Tip #5: Rest and Recovery

Muscles grow during rest, not during workouts.  Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.  Additionally, incorporate rest days into your training schedule to allow your muscles to repair and grow.  Engage in light activities like walking, stretching, or yoga on rest days to promote blood flow and aid in recovery.

Tip #6: Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is crucial for overall health and can help improve performance and recovery.  Not only that, but you don’t want to deal with muscle cramping, especially when you’re working out, and trying to recover afterwards.

Tip #7: Track Your Progress

Keep a record of your workouts and nutrition.  This will help you understand what works for you and where you need to make adjustments.  Be prepared to adjust your plan based on how your body responds.  If need be, change your routine periodically to avoid plateaus.

Tip #8: Join a Community

Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can provide support and motivation.  Join a local gym, participate in bodybuilding forums, or engage in social media communities.  Sharing experiences, tips, and progress with others can keep you inspired and accountable.

Tip #9: Be Patient and Consistent

Bodybuilding is a long-term commitment.  Results take time and consistent effort.  To be more specific: 

  1. Muscle Growth Takes Time: Muscle hypertrophy, the increase in muscle size, is a slow process.  Consistent training over months and years is required to see significant changes.  This process involves not just lifting weights, but also ensuring proper recovery and nutrition.
  2. Progressive Overload Principle: In bodybuilding, you continuously challenge your muscles by increasing the weight or intensity of your workouts.  This gradual increase is essential for continuous muscle growth and strength gains, but it takes time to safely and effectively progress.
  3. Nutrition and Diet Management: Bodybuilding requires a strict and well-planned diet to ensure sufficient protein intake for muscle repair and growth, along with other nutrients.  Balancing this diet and adapting it as your body changes is a continuous process.
  4. Recovery and Injury Prevention: Adequate rest and recovery are crucial in bodybuilding.  Overtraining can lead to injuries, which can set back progress significantly.  Learning the right balance between training and rest is a long-term process.
  5. Plateaus and Adaptation: The body adapts to specific exercises and routines over time, leading to plateaus in muscle growth and strength.  Overcoming these plateaus often requires changing routines and strategies, which is a part of the long-term learning curve in bodybuilding.
  6. Aesthetic Goals: Achieving the desired body shape and muscle definition is not a quick process.  It requires sustained effort and often involves periods of bulking (gaining muscle and fat) and cutting (losing fat while preserving muscle), each of which can take several months.
  7. Lifestyle Integration: Bodybuilding is not just a sport or hobby; it's a lifestyle that includes regular training, diet management, and discipline.  Integrating this into one's daily life and maintaining it consistently is a long-term commitment.

These factors combined make bodybuilding a journey that requires patience, dedication, and a long-term view.  It's not just about the physical changes, but also about the discipline, lifestyle changes, and the mental fortitude that develops over time.

Tip #10: Consider Competing

For those interested in taking bodybuilding to the next level, consider entering competitions.  Competing can be a great motivator and a way to showcase your hard work.  Start with local amateur competitions and work your way up to national and international levels. The experience of prepping for a competition can teach you a lot about discipline, dedication, and resilience.

Preparing for Competition

  1. Hire a Coach: A coach can provide personalized training and nutrition plans, posing practice, and guidance through the competition prep process.
  2. Follow a Prep Plan: A competition prep plan typically involves a structured diet, increased cardio, and posing practice.
  3. Mental Preparation: Competing requires mental fortitude. Practice visualization and stress management techniques to stay focused.


Post-competition, it’s important to transition back to a balanced diet and training regimen. Gradually increase your caloric intake and adjust your training to focus on recovery and long-term goals.

What are Pre-Workout Chews and Why Do Bodybuilders Take Them?

Pre-workout chews are supplements designed to be consumed before exercising to enhance performance, energy, and focus.  They typically come in the form of small, flavored chews or gummies.  These chews often contain ingredients that provide a convenient and quick way to boost energy levels, increase endurance, and improve mental focus during a workout session. 

The ingredients in these chews are chosen for their potential to enhance athletic performance and reduce fatigue, allowing individuals to push themselves harder during their workouts.

Bodybuilders (and even athletes in general) often incorporate pre-workout chews and other various supplements into their regimen to enhance performance, recovery, and muscle growth – all to potentially improve their performance during workouts.  Typically speaking, pre-workout chews and other supplements serve specific purposes, depending on their ingredients and such.

How We Picked These Top 3 Pre-Workout Chews

As you may have noticed, there are hundreds of pre-workout chews on the market today, each with a very unique formula.  So, how were we able to narrow it down to just 3?  Well, by paying attention to the factors that actually matter when it comes to the efficacy, safety, quality, and potency of the product, and specifically, those factors were:

    • Potency: Pre-workout chews can contain exceptional active ingredients, but if those ingredients aren’t actually present in high enough concentrations, you’re not going to get any kind of noticeable results.
    • Active Ingredients: Pre-workout chews can contain any variety of ingredients that’re responsible for the chews’ effects – take caffeine, a stimulant, or reishi mushrooms, which can improve focus and mood.  Some active ingredients are more “proven” and safer than others, with some being tried-and-true for decades, and others being fads that just don’t ultimately deliver.
    • How They Taste/Their Texture: If a chew doesn’t taste good, you’re not gonna want to keep eating it, and so even if it delivers in efficacy, it’s a letdown.  The same goes for texture, since some companies make great-tasting chews, but the texture is just too off-putting.
    • Inactive Ingredients: Inactive ingredients are also very important, with natural ingredients always being ideal.  We stayed away from chews that use lots of fillers, artificial additives, and known allergens.

What are the Best Pre-Workout Chews for Bodybuilders?

Now, let’s take a look at our favorite formulas specifically for bodybuilding, with #1 being the most effective of all.  Again, this is all based on the criteria above, so you know you’re getting a top-quality pre-workout product all around.

Bodybuilding Pre-Workout Chew Option #3: Bounce Nutrition Mushroom Blend Gummies

Our enticing Mushroom Blend pre-workout vegan formula offers a totally unique take on pre-workout supplements.  Its dreamy Black Razz flavor and succulent texture alone is worth trying, but it’s the blend of active ingredients that really impresses. 

Magnesium, caffeine, lion’s mane, cordyceps, and reishi mushrooms come together to provide a carefully selected blend of adaptogens, minerals, and stimulants that improve energy, boost cognition, and lift your mood to help you get through the most demanding workouts, even on days when you’re not feeling up to it.

Bodybuilding Pre-Workout Chew Option #2: Bounce Nutrition Shred Blend Gummies 

This vegan Shred Blend formula tastes just like mouthwatering blueberry pie, and it even contains a fantastic blend of natural plant derivatives known for their powerful effects that directly improve your fitness game. 

L-theanine, caffeine, magnesium, ashwagandha, and tart cherry work together synergistically to give you the energy and concentration you need to get through a training session, with ashwagandha and magnesium offering the added benefits of helping the body respond better to both physical and mental stress.

Bodybuilding Pre-Workout Chew Option #1: Bounce Nutrition Best Mode Blend Gummies

Our final choice is Beast Mode gummies, a vegan formula with a delicious fruit punch flavor, and containing caffeine, gingko balboa, theanine, L-carnitine, and Vitamin B12, in high enough concentrations to give you powerful effects that can help you tackle your fitness regimen on a whole new level.  Designed specifically to produce a significant boost in energy, endurance, and mental stamina, you can’t go wrong with these gummies if you’re a fan of higher-intensity training. 

Time to Pump it Up with Pre-Workout Chews!

Bodybuilding is a rewarding journey that extends beyond physical gains. It cultivates discipline, resilience, and a positive mindset.  By setting clear goals, educating yourself, maintaining consistency, and prioritizing nutrition and recovery, you can embark on a successful bodybuilding journey. 

Remember, the most important aspect is enjoying the process and celebrating your progress, no matter how small.  Embrace the challenges and stay committed to your goals.  With dedication and perseverance, you can transform your physique and achieve your bodybuilding aspirations.

Also, Bounce Nutrition Pre-Workout Chews can help you achieve the body of your dreams, with natural yet effective ingredients that don’t just improve performance, but help you build muscle more quickly than ever before.  Explore these formulas on our site, as you’ll know you are getting the finest ingredients possible, all of which are proven to be both safe and effective.