
How To Store Energy Gummies In House Shelf Life Shelving Sun Go Bad

How To Store Energy Gummies: What You Need To Know

Elan Lipin
Best Energy Gummies, Energy Gummies Expiry Date, Energy Gummies Shelf Life, Energy Gummies Storage

Energy gummies are super popular right now, offering a uniquely tasty way to get some much-needed energy, from natural ingredients like caffeine, B vitamins, mushrooms, and more. 

The thing with gummies, however, is that they all have a shelf life, and that shelf life can be impacted if the product isn’t stored properly.  Allow us to elaborate, and even offer some storage tips so you can get as much out of each bag or jar as possible.


Do Energy Gummies Go Bad?

In most cases, energy gummies have a shelf life that lasts between 6-12 months, when left unopened.  And, there should be an expiration date on the package that gives you more details.  Energy gummies contain active ingredients that will diminish with time, losing their efficacy as they naturally break down, being organic compounds.  This means that a gummy you purchased a year ago may not be effective anymore if you wait too long to consume it.

Now, energy gummies that have expired aren’t necessarily dangerous, but at the same time, they will be basically useless.  That, of course, ultimately depends on the ingredients, as the more natural the gummy formula, the sooner it can expire, as it lacks artificial preservatives and flavoring that extend the product’s shelf life by at least several months.

You will know your gummies are expiring or have expired if they:

  • Have an “off” texture.
  • Have an “off” color.
  • Don’t taste or smell like they’re supposed to.
  • Don’t actually offer the effects as advertised.

If you do have expired gummies on your hands, it’s best to toss them out and replace them.

The Importance of Storing Energy Gummies Properly

Energy gummies, like other dietary supplements, contain ingredients that can lose potency over time, especially when exposed to variables such as light, heat, and moisture.  Their shelf life and storage requirements can vary based on the specific ingredients they contain, coupled with the manufacturer's guidelines (some energy gummies may have specific storage requirements). 

What this means is that basically, even if your gummies are only a few months old, if you’re not storing them properly, they can lose their efficacy and ultimately expire even sooner.  Once opened, a package of gummies needs to be carefully stored so that the compounds in it don’t break down prematurely.

Ways to Properly Store Energy Gummies

By storing your energy gummies properly, you can extend their shelf life and maintain their efficacy.  So, below are some easy ways that can ensure both the potency and quality of your energy gummies are left intact:

  1. Most energy gummies should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.  The optimal storage temperature is usually room temperature or slightly cooler. Heat can also cause gummies to melt and stick together, making it impossible to portion them out properly.
  2. Although not usually necessary, storing energy gummies in the refrigerator could help to extend their shelf life, especially if you live in a particularly warm or humid climate.  However, check the packaging or consult the manufacturer to make sure that refrigeration won't affect the product's efficacy or affect the overall texture.
  3. Low humidity is ideal, as high humidity can cause the energy gummies to stick together or spoil more quickly.  Humidity can also cause certain active ingredients to degrade and lose all efficacy.  Keep the product sealed when not in use to reduce exposure to moisture.  
  4. Keep the gummies in their original packaging, which is usually designed to keep them fresh for as long as possible.  If you have to transfer them to another container, make sure it is airtight, as this may help to extend their shelf life.
  5. Given that they’re energy supplements with active ingredients, keep them out of the reach of children.  Children may not be able to tolerate certain active ingredients, especially if in high doses, such as caffeine.
  6. Exposure to light can degrade some of the active ingredients, so a dark storage space is often recommended.
  7. This goes without saying, but if you notice anything off, it is best to dispose of the gummies and just buy a new pack or jar.  Check your energy gummies prior to eating them by smelling and touching them to check the aroma and texture.
  8. Always use clean, dry hands when handling the energy gummies to avoid introducing bacteria into the package.  Certain bacteria can cause the product to degrade/go bad at a much faster rate.

Storing Your Gummies Properly Matters!

Ultimately, how you store your energy gummies determines how long they’ll be effective once you open the package.  But, the good news is that storing them properly is simple.  A dark, dry, and cool place, in an airtight container, is all you need, meaning that a cabinet or drawer will do just fine.

Just be mindful of the fact that the efficacy of those said active ingredients (i.e., caffeine, amino acids, etc.) in the energy gummies may diminish over time, even if the gummies themselves are still good to consume.  If you find that they’re no longer as effective as they once were, it might be time to purchase a new batch.

The best way to store energy gummies is in a safe and dark place that does not get moist or hot, such as a cabinet or shelf away from the sun. Energy gummies can be stored in cupboards in your kitchen or inside a cabinet in order to keep the energy gummies fresh for the longest time with a shelf life of 2 years.