
Can Middle-Aged People or Seniors Take Creatine?

Can Middle-Aged People or Seniors Take Creatine?

Jann Dolf
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More and more fitness enthusiasts are opting for creatine as their daily workout supplement, as it’s natural, highly effective, and proven to offer all kinds of benefits that can really allow you to reach your fitness goals.  In general, creatine gummies are seen as safe, but is that the case for everyone, including middle-aged people and seniors, who may have more advanced needs?


What’s a Creatine Gummy?

Before we talk about whether or not creatine gummies are safe for people above a certain age, let’s offer something of an overview of what this supplement is to begin with.  Creatine gummies contain creatine, an amino acid found in most animal proteins, and produced within the human body by the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. 

Creatine is stored in the muscle cells, acting as a source of fuel so that the muscles can function properly.  95% of creatine stays in the muscles, with the remaining 5% mainly stored in the brain and bloodstream. Creatine is used mainly as a workout supplement, although it does also offer cognitive benefits. 

In terms of fitness, as that’s what most creatine gummies are used for, it can boost muscle growth, improve muscle strength, and aid in stamina and endurance while exercising, while also drawing water from the body into the muscular tissue, to make the muscles physically larger.  Creatine gummies can be used by anybody, but they’re mainly used by workout enthusiasts who want to gain muscle and strength.

Is Creatine Generally Safe?

One thing we know is that creatine is largely considered safe, in gummy form and other forms of supplements.  There are no major side effects associated with taking creatine, although there are some mild side effects that have been reported, which include:

  • Stomach upset
  • Dehydration
  • Weight gain

Especially when you start taking creatine daily for the first time, the supplement sends water in the body into the muscles, and this can dehydrate you if you’re not compensating by consuming more water.  You might also gain some weight, especially in the beginning, due to this increased water retention effect.  That being said, if weight loss happens to be your primary goal in terms of fitness, creatine may not be the supplement that you’re looking for.

Another thing to be mindful of is that many people report mild digestive issues when they first start taking creatine, such as bloating, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea.

Naturally, by sticking to the recommended dosage, you’re less likely to experience any side effects.

Are Creatine Gummies Safe for Middle-Aged People and Seniors?

Creatine gummies can definitely be beneficial to fitness enthusiasts of all ages, as they can inspire someone to keep pushing themselves to stay healthy through a regular fitness routine, which is certainly a good thing.  By improving strength, energy, endurance, and motivation, they can make a difference in one’s ability to exercise more.  

Now, let’s get to the main question, which is whether people above a certain age are able to take these creatine gummies safely.  In general, they are regarded as safe, when taken properly – that is, according to the directions on the label, as determined by the manufacturer.  Keep in mind that most people take 2-5g daily.

Creatine is not known to interact with any medications or supplements, so that’s good news if you’re an older person who is taking something daily, as the older we get, the more common it is to require supplements and medications.  It’s also not known to be harmful for those with underlying conditions, other than those who have liver or kidney disease, as creatine may not break down properly in those who have these conditions.

Basically, this means that if you are a middle-aged or senior individual, you’re going to really need to be conscious of your own unique health situation before deciding to take creatine gummies.  Research the ingredients to find out if they have any side effects, and better yet, talk to your doctor prior to taking them, being sure to fill them in on any health conditions, medications you’re on (prescription or OTC), and the specific ingredients and milligram strengths of the gummy formula you have in mind.

A Quick Word About L-Arginine

Another thing that we want to mention is that many creatine gummies out there also contain L-arginine, as indicated on the label.  L-arginine is another amino acid, and unlike creatine, it can interact with certain medications, including many medications that are disproportionately prescribed to people middle-aged and older. 

These include anti-coagulants, blood pressure medications, and diabetes medications.  L-arginine increases circulation, and because of that, mixing it with certain medications has the potential to be dangerous.  Again, your doctor can offer more medication, and at the same time, you can certainly find creatine gummies that do not contain any L-arginine.

And, that brings us to another topic, which is that some creatine gummies may contain ingredients that are not safe, which is something that can vary between manufacturers.  That’s why you always want to read the ingredients before buying creatine gummies, to be sure that the ingredients in the formula are not dangerous based on your personal health condition, or medications/supplements that you are on.

The Answer: In Most Cases, Creatine Gummies are Safe for People of All Ages 

The bottom line is that when it comes to fitness supplements, creatine is one of the safest that you can take at any age.  Of course, there will always be some risk of side effects, but with creatine, those seem to be quite minimal.  Even better, creatine doesn’t have any known interactions between things that middle-aged and senior individuals are more likely to take.

At the end of the day, it’s always best to double-check with your doctor, as everyone is unique, and has their own needs.  Your doctor can offer personalized medical advice, whereas we cannot.  Make sure to tell them what you do take, if anything, your medical conditions, if you have any, and the creatine supplement that you intend on taking, to be totally sure that a creatine gummy routine is right for you.


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