
Shilajit side effects issues how to avoid negative bad health

6 Severe Shilajit Side Effects You Must Know

Elan Lipin
Best Shilajit Products, Buy Shilajit Products, Shilajit Side Effects, Where To Buy Shilajit Products Online

Shilajit has been used around the world for thousands of years, with its first recorded use dating back 5000 years ago in ancient ayurvedic texts.  Known for its phenomenal benefits, this nutrient-dense resin is found between layers of rock in the Himalayan mountains and other high-altitude mountains around the world.  

Its impressive concentration of minerals, along with its high concentrations of beneficial organic acids, has made it something of a superfood.  And, it happens to be totally legal in the U.S,, so there aren’t any restrictions when it comes to purchasing it.  But, does that mean that it’s safe, and presents no risk of side effects?  Let’s find out the safety profile of shilajit.


Is Shilajit Dangerous?

Shilajit is largely deemed safe for daily consumption according to experts who have analyzed it over the years.  It’s nontoxic to the human body, and thus, isn’t associated with any major side effects.  Basically, this tells us that shilajit is not a dangerous or otherwise concerning addition to your daily routine.

Can You Overdose on Shilajit?

In general, the human body can tolerate relatively large doses of shilajit on a daily basis.  The main concern isn’t shilajit itself, but products that have not undergone proper processing and purification techniques.  Shilajit does contain some heavy metals, including lead, mercury, and more, and may contain bacteria like salmonella and other potentially deadly bacteria if it hasn’t been prepared by the manufacturer in the proper way. 

What this means is, you should make sure that you’re buying it from a company that has their shilajit lab-tested to prove that it has been purified properly.  Raw shilajit can be extremely harmful, with that being said.

The heavy metals in shilajit are so trace that they wouldn’t accumulate in the body to the extent of causing physical harm.  The levels are so minor that the kidney simply flushes them out, as is its job.  There is one thing you need to be mindful of, however, which is the fact that mineral toxicity is a real potential concern. 

Consuming levels of minerals that are excessive can lead to toxic effects, although in order to get to that point, you would need to take an unreasonably higher amount of shilajit than what is suggested on the product’s label.

Now, despite concern of mineral toxicity, keep in mind that studies have been done on these potential effects.  In one study, rats were administered high doses of shilajit for 91 days consecutively, with no symptoms of toxicity after the trial was completed – obviously, that’s good news.

What are the Potential Side Effects of Shilajit?

Now, as we all know, just about every substance out there can cause some side effects, particularly if it’s not taken correctly – as in, taking too high of a dose, or mixing it with certain substances that could cause an interaction.  So, what side effects might occur from taking shilajit?

Side Effects for Males

There seems to be a link between excessive iron levels and men experiencing fatigue, increased heartrate, rash, and muscle weakness from taking high amounts of shilajit for prolonged periods of time.  Like we said, if you already have high iron levels, that might be something you want to watch out for.  Some men also report experiencing gout-like symptoms as shilajit can raise uric acid levels, but this seems to occur only in men who are already predisposed to gout.

Upset Stomach

People may experience an upset stomach if they take shilajit on an empty stomach, and high doses may lead to nausea and vomiting.  Many people say that this effect wears off the more the body gets used to a routine with the substance.

Allergic Reactions

Some people may be allergic to shilajit, but that seems to be very rare.  

Other FAQs When Taking Shilajit

If you’re looking to take shilajit, be it in a live resin, capsulated, powder, or even tincture form, you might be wondering about a few additional things prior to using it.

Is it Safe to Mix Shilajit with Other Substances?

Shilajit could interact with certain medications, and again, this is an area that hasn’t been explored, so we recommend avoiding taking it if you are on any medications to be on the safe side.  It’s likely that shilajit could potentiate medications by enhancing their ability to absorb into the bloodstream, meaning that it could be more likely to end up overdosing if you’re not careful.

As for mixing shilajit with alcohol, it may cause a stimulant effect, and enhance the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream by increasing cell permeability – basically, this means that moderate doses of alcohol could affect you much more strongly, which could, potentially, put you at a higher risk of alcohol poisoning, impairment, etc.

Is it Safe to Take Shilajit While Pregnant or Breastfeeding?

It’s not recommended to take shilajit while pregnant or breastfeeding, since the product has never been tested on a fetus, and we don’t know what kind of harm it could cause, if any.  

What About Safety in Relation to the Brand You’re Buying From?

We have mentioned that shilajit is probably safe if the product comes from a reputable brand that follows good manufacturing practices.  But, the product does remain unregulated in the US, so some local and online retailers may carry products that are fake, or contain harmful ingredients, and these brands will be able to fly under the radar. 

Only choose your shilajit from a company that you already trust.  There are numerous steps that go into producing safe shilajit, which include properly purifying the product to get rid of any toxins or harmful bacteria.  Besides that, shilajit must be tested to prove that its heavy metal concentration is low, as heavy metals can accumulate in the body and cause toxic effects if amounts are too high – especially if it’s a product that’s being consumed daily.

Bottom Line: Is Shilajit Safe? In General, Yes!

Shilajit is not approved by the FDA, yet – it’s such a new addition to our western market that it hasn’t undergone the lengthy approval process.  With that being said, it’s a highly unregulated product, and you may encounter unsafe formulas that are either fake, filled with harmful additives, or processed poorly, leading to risk of contamination or harmful impurities.  

Because of that, we urge you to buy shilajit from a trusted source like Bounce Nutrition, where we carry only safe and authentic products that have been lab-tested by a third party.  Otherwise, the risk of serious side effects is very low, as long as you take the product as directed.

Here are Shilajit side effects that are backed by scientific and consumer evidence. Outlining the different possible negative side effects of Shilajit resin reasons why side effects occur, factors that may influence each side effects, and the best ways to avoid them. Side effects of Shilajit.