
Is Creatine Muscle Growth Temporary Or Permanent?

Is Creatine Muscle Growth Temporary or Permanent?

Elan Lipin
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A lot of people are getting turned onto creatine, mainly because of the role that it plays in our fitness routines.  A natural and safe amino acid, which is produced within the body (in small amounts), creatine can improve muscle growth, strength, endurance, energy, and more, allowing the body to maximize each exercise session.

One of the most effective benefits of creatine is helping the body grow muscle.  This is where the term “creatine gains” comes in.  It’s actually common to gain some weight when you start taking creatine, but is this effect temporary or permanent, and what does that mean overall when it comes to your own fitness goals?


Creatine: What to Know

Creatine is a fitness supplement that replicates an amino acid found naturally in the human body, and in animal proteins.  It stores itself in the muscles of the body, providing them with the ability to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a compound that converts into energy to improve muscle strength and endurance.  Creatine also draws water into the muscles, keeping them hydrated and increasing their physical size, all while giving the muscles what they need to build muscle mass.

Basically, creatine has the task of building muscle.  And, as we know, the more muscle we gain, the more weight we gain.  At the same time, depending on your diet and the kind of exercise you’re doing, you may gain or lose weight, and ideally, burn fat in the process, which means that the link between creatine intake and how much you weigh actually involves multiple variables.

Creatine and Weight Gain/Loss 

Creatine alone won’t necessarily make you gain weight – that all depends on how you use it, per se.  For instance, if you’re in a bulking phase of your fitness lifestyle, then you’re likely consuming a high amount of calories on purpose, to convert those calories into muscle mass, with creatine facilitating the process.  And, whether you’re lifting heavy weights or doing far lighter resistance training will also affect how much weight you actually put on in terms of muscle, as well as how much fat you’re burning.  

If you’re taking creatine during a cutting phase, you are likely restricting calories, and ideally maintaining that muscle that you have gained, while losing weight simultaneously.  Still, the majority of people who use creatine have the goal of building lots of muscle, fast.  Plus, creatine can help you accomplish that better than just about any other supplement out there, other than protein.  

So, with all of that being said, why do people talk about “creatine gains,” and what’s the actual deal?

The Real Insight on “Creatine Gains”

You have likely heard of people talking about creatine gains, which refers to gaining weight when first starting a creatine regimen.  Basically, the average adult gains 1.5 to 3.5 pounds, give or take, when first taking creatine, and that can end up leading to 6 pounds of muscle total, on average, when maintaining the routine.  So, what is the actual weight increase caused by?  That’s a great question.

Creatine can add to your weight in two ways.  One is that again, it brings water into the muscles, and especially when you first start taking the supplement, it’s super common for the muscles to retain more water than usual – aka bloating – which can lead to an increase in weight right off the bat.  

Concurrently, your muscles are actually growing and gaining mass – that’s, after all, one of the main reasons for taking creatine in the first place.  So, weight gain is possible with creatine, but it’s the “right” kind of weight gain as far as most fitness enthusiasts are concerned, as it’s not fat, but muscle that’s responsible for the increase in pounds. 

And again, the type of exercise and your diet also affect how much you may gain or lose when starting to take creatine, so creatine gains aren’t guaranteed, either.  They’re more common among those who are intentionally taking in more calories each day, and doing workouts that specifically bulk up muscle.

Maybe the most important takeaway is that if you do get creatine gains, it’s almost never more than a few pounds – again, 6 at most, if taken long-term, and no more than 3.5 or so during the initial stage.  And, remember that if you’re loading – in other words, taking a very high dose during the first week to build up your reserve, before going to a lower amount, as many fitness enthusiasts do – then that water retention factor will likely be all the more present.

Researchers and creatine experts have found time and time again that creatine did not have a strong, direct influence on either weight gain or weight loss, meaning that creatine alone is not responsible for the amount of weight you may gain or lose while taking it in supplemental form.

Final Gain and Loss Thoughts

Now you know that creatine gains are expected, and are not gains in fat, which means that you’re simply gaining water and muscle mass.  And, while the effects aren’t usually visible, you may still be unhappy for whatever reason.  Again, if you’re trying to lose weight while taking creatine, then you will need to adjust your diet and exercise regimen to support the weight you would rather be at, continuing to use creatine as a means to achieve your fitness goals sooner than later.  

Creatine can improve energy, muscle mass, and endurance, so at the end of the day, it can make your workouts more effective, meaning that if you gain a few pounds, there’s no need to stop taking it.

Basically, creatine weight gain is not something to be afraid of.  It means that your body is effectively gaining the “right” kind of weight, through stronger muscles.  Naturally, as time goes on, you can adjust your dosage if water retention is an issue for you, but otherwise, enjoy the benefits of this naturally occurring amino acid, as it can only make your workout routine more effective.


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